++Now with Slideshows!++

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Icheon Redux

     I mentioned in my email about Icheon that I made some movies, but was working on converting/editing them. I couldn't find any decent looking freeware to do the converting/editing. Instead I found a way to post them on line in the full horrible glory, Google Video.
     They are horrible do to my own lacking. My Nikon digital camera has very few movie making options. I have very little experience running a camera (and usually it's a high quality camera on a tripod). A lot of video was shot with me holding the camera over the crowd's heads, and my final excuse is that it was horribly bright outside so I could not really see the LCD.
     Anyways, the background for the movies is, we (Jungwon and I) went to Icheon {이천} on May fifth, two thousand and seven. Icheon has a ceramics festival once every two years, and this happened to be one of the years. To make it even more exciting May fifth is Children's Day in Korea. We stumbled upon a Taekwondo {태권도} performance, and later we came across a group playing traditional Korean drums.

Movie One: Korean Drummers (very loud!):

Movie Two: Taekwondo Demonstration; Board Breaking:

Movie Three: Taekwondo Demonstration; Modern Form:

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